Monday, April 19, 2010

Best Radio ever!!

I got my emergency radio from Amazon the other day and it is the best!!! There is no way this thing is going to sit silent until the power goes out! It is solar powered and has a manual hand crank for night time battery power! I wonder how much my energy bill is going to go down now that I have my little solar radio! One step closer to my emergency preparation goals.... bwa ha ha ha ha!!!

Oh man... the price dropped to $15!!
It is cute and little and green, my favorite color!! And it is cheap and works well! I had tried much more expensive larger radios before, thinking that cost and size would add to the reliability, but not so. This little cheapster (I bought for $18) performs all the functionality and more of one I previously tried for $50. Love it!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's in the box?... and Gardens 2010

I bet every judge in that Competition will see this package coming from a mile away!!! I have been blog-surfing and found some other finalist pics. I packed up a neat little package with my yoda hat and sent it off, but it took some engineering and tetris extpertise to pack up the crochet reading nook into thier two ginormous packages!!! (P.S. It's a chair...shhh!!!)

The tots got a swing set this spring!! They love it!!
Fruit trees are in full bloom!! I am crossing my fingers that we wont get a hard freeze, because I want these plums gosh darn it!! This is the first year that the plum trees look like they are going to produce some goods! Last year we got 4 plums from one of them, and I fought over them with the local squirrel!!!
I got my greenhouse set up in its final location, and planted seeds directly in the ground within in, with a paver walkway in the middle!!! I love it!!! Now I can get those watermelons to grow... and peppers, tomoates, eggplants, melons!!! All the hot-loving stuff that usually doesn't like it this far north. It'll be fabulous!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Vanna Choice called...

So, you may remember that I entered a Yarn creation contest a while back. Well, I just recieved a phone call from Ben from Lion Brand Yarns today. I am a DOUBLE FINALIST in the 2nd annual Vanna's Choice Yarn Creation Contest!!! It's all a bit surreal, and now I am packing up the creations to ship off to New Jersey for final judgement. Oh my goodness, I think I am in shock. I am locating UPS locations as we speak. I do not know how to ship a chair, and a plant, and taxidermies. I have a good feeling that I am about to find out!!!

The crochet reading nook is a finalist in the crafts and gifts category, and the Yoda Hat is a finalist in the Babies and Kids category!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I fell for a computer scam!! -Security Tool

It was totally legit-looking! It used all the same icons as windows vista (and even hijacked a couple), and then took over my computer. Do not fall for Security Tool!!!
It tells you your computer is infected... do not believe it!
I totally believed it. It would not let any programs operate besides the internet, and I had to wipe the slate clean. I used the recovery disk... luckily it would let me drag and drop files onto my camera, so I did not lose any pictures, this time. All the websites told me to stop the virus' operation using task manager, but the virus always killed the task manager first.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Frugal Shopping

I know its possible. I see people on the news. Checking out at the grocery store and actually making money at the end of it all. It mine as well be a fairy tale, because I just don't roll that way, but I would like to.

Tonight I am trying to come up with some sort of plan to accomplish thousands of dollars worth of goals with hundreds of dollar worth of money. We'll just see about that...